New IIoThink Lab released

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New IIoThink Lab is going to bridge the gap between Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Business Administration students.

RAFA Solutions announces the release of its new IIoThink Lab which is an educational platform consisting of special courseware, software and hardware platforms and cloud communication, teaching about Industrial Internet of Things.

IIoThink Lab includes diversified fundamental labs, which teach about basic components of IoT and project-based labs, where students build their own small but real IoT projects. The latest release of the product was announced for the Basic version of the software consisting of 10 labs. The product includes not only the full curriculum with detailed instructions but also the special software which works with IBM and Systemlink cloud technologies as well as hardware platform, so students can have their hands-on experiments and understand how “things” are designed.

New IIoThink Lab is presented in SaaS mode in order to make the offer more attractive and satisfy the customers’ needs in a perfect way. So the customers are invited to subscribe to IIoThink Lab and benefit from proposed updates and support during the whole subscription period, which is a semester. The customers continuing their subscription will obtain a 70% discount. Moreover, IIoThink Lab promises to launch new labs frequently involving IoT related spheres like medical lab, urbanization lab, smart house lab, business administration lab, etc. 

So, subscribe to IIoThink Lab and make learning process fun. Stay tuned with IIoThink developments and enhance your knowledge about IoT.  

For more details on IIoThink lab please check the product website


About RAFA Solutions

RAFA Solutions provides Robust and Flexible Advanced Solutions for Industrial Automation.
We are a system integrator company with extensive software as well as hardware development expertise leveraging advanced technologies. Our high-quality automation systems are a result of engineering excellence.

Our engineers have the expertise to build high quality, reliable and cost-effective products and solutions that can take industrial or manufacturing operations to a whole new level of productivity.
RAFA Solutions team can develop detailed system requirements and designs to solve your automation problems starting from a sketch on a piece of paper or your well thought out concept. For more information, visit here.

About IIoThink

The leading comprehensive course in IoT.


Educational labs and training kits we develop together with the advanced and comprehensive courseware and didactic materials help professors and students to study IoT basics, smart power grids, industrial protocols, warehouse automation and more.

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