RAFA Solutions announced the update of its Language Support Toolkit


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RAFA Solutions announced the update of its Language Support Toolkit created to ease the creation of multilingual user interfaces in LabVIEW applications.

With the newly added feature Language Support Toolkit allows to easily import/export translation files to CSV format.

Created with this toolkit the language support files are used by the toolkit VIs to change the interface’s language. To lighten the weight of the files and optimize the operation they have binary formatting.

The new feature allows exporting language support files in CSV format, where the translations can be added, instead of the Language Support Editor application. After the translations are ready, they can be imported back to the software, where toolkit language support files are updated based on the new translations.

The Language Support Toolkit consists of 4 interconnected components:

1. Language Support Library with all functions necessary for a multilingual option added to the Vis - language support integrated dialog box and Vis with front panel object properties like captions, button Boolean texts, custom menu items, tips, and descriptions, etc.

2. Language Support Integration project template helps to easily create advanced projects with integrated language support. One of the included interface templates is for general language integrated interface and the other – allows changing the language during processing.

3. Language Support Editor with a user-friendly interface. This editor takes the creation of support files to a completely different level of ease and convenience. VI control data can be added to the interface automatically, speeding up the process of making language support files. Besides providing the language information the editor lets to change control parameters like tables, trees, values or various controls.

After the update, the Language Support Editor allows importing and exporting translations files into CVS format files fast and easy.

4. Template VIs that illustrate the control, menu, dialog language changing mechanisms and allow to change the interface language in the blink of an eye.

A Help file with a full description of the library, editor and template VIs is included.

The updated "Language Support Toolkit with CSV Import/Export" is also available on NI Tools Network.


About RAFA Solutions
RAFA Solutions provides Robust and Flexible Advanced Solutions for Industrial Automation.
We are a system integrator company with extensive software as well as hardware development expertise leveraging advanced technologies. Our high quality automation systems are a result of engineering excellence.
Our engineers have the expertise to build high quality, reliable and cost-effective products and solutions that can take industrial or manufacturing operations to a whole new level of productivity.
RAFA Solutions team can develop detailed system requirements and designs to solve your automation problems starting from a sketch on a piece of paper or your well thought out concept. For more information, visit here.


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