Getting Ready for Hannover Messe...
Apr 23, 2018 –
What are the business do-s and don’t-s in Germany, the business etiquette and... Read more
What are the business do-s and don’t-s in Germany, the business etiquette and ways to interact with and attract potential partners and investors? These and similar topics revealing the German business culture were under discussion led by Martin Reinfeldt, international expert specialized in...
RAFA Solutions at AEON job fair
Mar 10, 2018 –
RAFA Solutions participated in a job fair organized by AEON anticafe. It was... Read more
RAFA Solutions participated in a job fair organized by AEON anticafe. It was a pleasant, professional, interactive occasion to communicate with potential employees. Our team really enjoyed the presence of intelligent and smart people searching for a job, and we were happy to introduce our...